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by suneko
Irfan View - Problem: I have students that print directly from an Irfan View pic. The print default it to an A4 size paper - not letter size. The printer will not print and causes a backload of print jobs until you physically tell it to print. You can change the default print paramaters, but it will not stay permanent. This is a major problem in managing printing in the library!!!! Help!
Powerpoint: I uploaded these two Powerpoint slides to Slide Share first. Then used the embedding configuration. However, it doesn't seem to be loading properly.
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.
Image Generators : Flower Text
Also - Custom newspaper headlines.
Table 2 - Audio Manipulation
Using Incompetech
Sonatina in C Minor
Table 3 - Photostory
I feel very comfortable using Photostory. I created a project with the Lone Star books back in 23 Things. It included their jackets along with a summary recorded by me for each slide. Very easy to use - will be great with students!
Table 4 - Video