Friday, July 4, 2008

Thing 17

Dr. B has a Rollyo on the SBISD Library Resources Page, but I never knew exactly what it was or what to use it for. I am learning all sorts of new things.... I reinvestigated and found that it is a way to search for videos. I found an interesting TeacherTube video on a couple's visit to San Francisco. We just got back from there, so I was curious what they did while on their trip. They did some of the same things we did, of course - touristy things that all do when they go to S. F.

I created a customized Rollyo for searching for books. To be honest, I don't know if I will ever use it, but it was fun and interesting to create. Here is the link:
I included, Scholastic, a discount online book source, BookCloseouts and the public library I use. I tried a several searches and got hits with all but the public library. I am not sure why not. Did anyone else put in the URL for a public library and get positive results? Mine just says Sorry, no items found; check your spelling, etc..

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