Monday, July 20, 2009

Thing #10 Virtual Worlds

What to say....this is sure something to experience. I felt so newbie once I arrived. I couldn't figure out how to get into the orientation - you needed access. I found several people who were very helpful, but never could get into the orientation! I was able to teleport to the country - saw stables with horses and then flew to the ocean. I was on Australia where there were supposed to be beaches, but couldn't find them...
I kept trying to change my appearance, but it sure is complicated!
The whole thing is quite complicated. You can spend hours here. I will keep popping into to discover more when I can.
I had heard that developers have created virtual worlds that you can discover. Go to distance lands or back in history. What a great, unique concept! I don't exactly like to read history books, but love to learn about history through historical novels. This is somewhat of the same idea. You can be a part of the time period and learn by being there. I know this would be of great interest to students.
I would be interested to see what the Teen World is like.
Thanks for making me experience this.

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