Monday, June 16, 2008

Thing 2

I don't usually give too much thought to the concept of life-long learning. I see two reasons for learning.
1. You need to for your vocation. (Which is why I am doing this!)
2. You want to because you like it.

My weakness in the 71/2 habits are Viewing Problems as Challenges and Setting Goals. Unfortunately, it seems that challenges arise at inopportune times, thus not giving one ample time to fully learn or enjoy the learning process. Also, I don't tend to set goals. I begin things without really knowing what I want out of them.
My strengths would be Having Confidence and Using Techology to Your Advantage. Once I begin the project, I almost always have the confidence and commitment to finish. I also don't shy away from technology. So long as the technology is functioning properly, it most always eases jobs and makes it exciting along the way.

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